Addiction Treatment in Brookline, MA

As a mental disorder, addiction can no more be dealt with through self-directed healing plans or willpower, than depression, bipolar, schizophrenia or any other mental disorder. In the case of mental disorders such as depression or schizophrenia, it takes psychiatric treatment as well as therapy. With addiction, it takes drug rehab. When you begin your search for addiction treatment in Brookline, it's important that you head in with a sophisticated understanding of the results that you need, and how you might go about obtaining them.

How Long Should Treatment Be?

Drug and alcohol rehab in Brookline includes three kinds of treatment. Treatment begins with medical detoxification to address the physical withdrawal symptoms of addiction with, continues with psychiatric treatment for the psychiatric conditions that are usually a part of any addiction, and ends with psychological therapy.

While most don't realize it, the concluding part of drug and alcohol addiction treatment where psychological therapy is performed is usually where the most important work of rehab is done. It isn't very difficult to quit drugs once; it's maintaining the sobriety gained that is the true challenge of addiction treatment. In therapy, patients gain the psychological tools that they need to stay disengaged from drugs.

It's easy to see that treatment can take a while. There are no rigidly prescribed lengths of time for any treatment course. Everything depends on the individual addiction. There are a few general ideas to keep in mind, however.

Think 90 days: While many centers for addiction treatment in Brookline do advertise 30-day programs, these tend to only work well with the lightest possible addictions. Most real-world addictions tend to be more complicated, however. In general, the average case of addiction tends to benefit from longer courses. Going in prepared for a 90-day course can help ensure adequate treatment. Spending 90 days on thorough detox helps ensure gentler withdrawal, fewer withdrawal symptoms and side-effects, and complete disengagement.

Psychiatric treatment: Pre-existing psychiatric conditions are a part of most addiction disorders. Not only does the existence of a such a condition make it harder for patients to engage with an addiction program, it makes it impossible for them to stay sober afterward. When you look for addiction treatment in Brookline or alcohol treatment in Brookline, it's important to check for the presence of a high-quality psychiatric program within the rehab course. Any rehab that fails to make adequate arrangements for psychiatric treatment is usually not thorough enough.

Some psychological rehab: Detox helps you deal with the physical withdrawal symptoms of ceasing long-standing drug use. The psychological effects of addiction, however, tend to remain long after detox. Rehab treatment that fails to address these effects is more to fail to deliver the patient from addiction. In psychological rehab therapy, you dedicate yourself to building an all-new lifestyle for as little risk of addiction-related cravings. You also work hard on addressing areas of psychological deficit that contribute to addictive behavior. Such therapeutic work can take months, if not years. Yet, it's important to work to engage in. When you look for addiction treatment in Brookline, the presence of a deep psychological program is something you should keep in mind. It shows you as nothing else can how serious a rehab center is about truly helping patients come out of addiction.

While it isn't necessary to choose to check into a rehab facility for long-term psychological rehab, inpatient rehab does help over the initial 90-day course of medical detox light therapy.

How Do You Recognize Quality Long-Term Psychological Rehab?

If you are to find rehab with quality psychological therapy, you need to know something about the process. Quality therapy for addiction necessarily includes a wide variety of therapeutic approaches for various needs. Cognitive-behavioral therapy is the benchmark treatment approach used. A number of other treatment courses are used in addition, however.

Dialectical- behavioral therapy: This is a treatment approach originally developed for the treatment of borderline personality disorder. It is a therapeutic system that helps patients work through the very difficult emotions, behaviors and thoughts of this disorder. It tends to be of great relevance in addiction rehab treatment, as well.

Family therapy: It is a therapeutic approach that applies the special strengths of the family bond to the patient's addiction situation. Love of the family is often one of the strongest ways in which to influence a person addicted.

Motivational interviewing: Inadequate patient engagement is a frequent challenge to successful rehabilitation. Motivational interviewing uses therapeutic intervention to help patients discover areas of high motivation that can be tapped.

Finding Quality Treatment

The thought of understanding quality treatment and applying your understanding to your search for addiction treatment in Brookline may feel intimidating at first. The search doesn't have to be very hard, however.

With even a little understanding of the process, it is easy to eliminate the bad choices and arrive at some of the best ones. You only need to go in with a little confidence. Call Brookline Alcohol Treatment Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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