Drug Rehabs in Brookline, MA

The stigma of addiction is a remarkably stubborn one. Even today, most people, addicts included, associate addiction with laziness and poor moral character. It doesn't take much work to see how flawed a line of logic this is, however: health insurance companies that routinely attempt to find ways to deny coverage to pay for drug and alcohol rehab in Brookline. If addiction was a moral failing, you would probably not find drug rehabs in Brookline that would treat you on your health insurance policy.

The idea to keep in mind seeking help with your addiction is this, and it can truly help you: addiction is a mental disorder, and trying to be a better person does not help anyone escape addiction. Seeking evidence-based, medical valid treatment is the only course that helps.

Evidence-Based or Medically Valid Treatment

If you needed help with an infection or another health problem, you would go to any hospital or clinic that you could find nearby; the worst that could happen would be finding they weren't real experts in the area of medical treatment that you needed. You wouldn't expect that they would use treatment disproven a half-century ago, apply techniques not recommended in the latest medical texts, or not endorsed by the authorities. With a drug rehab center, however, things are different.

When you look for the nearest drug rehabs in Brookline, you cannot assume that any establishment that has been allowed to serve the public has been thoroughly inspected, certified, licensed and accredited. When it comes to the rehab industry, these processes are not mandatory. It is up to you to look for a rehab that offers quality as well as adherence to modern medical standards. You may get stuck at a drug addiction rehab whose main course of treatment is to try to shame patients into sobriety, or that tries to charge them for therapy that doesn't even directly address their problems.

You're probably not sure how you should go about finding medically sound drug rehabs in Brookline. In truth, it isn't as hard as it seems. There are just a few basic ideas that you should keep in mind.

Look for Accreditation

While there is no government-mandated standard for drug rehab programs, there are private industry bodies that offer accreditation. You should be able to find high-quality addiction rehab centers that voluntarily sign up and go through testing and inspection in order to gain certification. Looking for accreditation by CARF International or the Joint Association, then, can help you zero in far more quickly, on quality rehab. These rehabs comply with hundreds of modern medical standards and offer provable improvements to their results. An alcohol treatment program in Brookline can help you overcome your addiction with success.

Among the areas that rehabs are tested on are medical processes, quality control processes and caregiver qualifications.

Look for Specific Expertise

While accreditation is, by itself, a guarantee of quality, to check on a few specific areas to ensure that a rehab does offer quality, could help you.

Dual diagnosis care: All too often, those who suffer from addiction also struggle with undiscovered bipolar disorder, anxiety or OCD. Other conditions such as insomnia and depression tend to be common, as well. The link between addiction and mental health is well-established; treatment for addiction, then, should necessarily address the patient's mental health. While such dual diagnosis rehab centers are not very common, it's important to look for them. Even more importantly, it makes sense to look for a dual diagnosis center with experience with specific mental disorders. A patient who suffers from schizophrenia, for instance, would do better at a rehab with specific experience treating schizophrenia-addiction dual diagnoses.

Qualified staff: While all accredited rehabs do employ staff with professional qualifications, it helps to check to see if the qualifications and experience of the specific members of the team who treat you, possess qualifications relevant to you. A rehab may have accreditation for alcohol, but not for opiate painkillers for benzodiazepines, for instance.

Relapse prevention therapy: Relapse prevention therapy comes after detox and helps patients gain the psychological skills and health that they need to stay sober. Rehab is the most important part of any rehab program. Here, as well, to see check that the therapist training you comes with specific experience with your kind addiction, helps.

If addiction seems hard to treat, it is simply because people make the mistake of going to unqualified or underqualified rehab centers. If you're careful looking for quality drug rehab in Brookline, it is easy to be far more confident of the outcome. Call Brookline Alcohol Treatment Centers now for help (877) 804-1531.

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